Hola a todos,

Adjunto información sobre nuevos cursos online por si os interesa.

Un Saludo


Dear companions,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a free online course developed on the Moodle platform of Excellence in Education – Trinity College London Approved Service Provider – which offers online development opportunities to teachers in a modern virtual learning environment (EVA / VLE).


Quest for Best: Teaching pronunciation to Young Learners of English (Primary)

Start date: 19/1/2019, End date: 24/2/2019, Duration: 30 hours (5 weeks/6 weekends)

EXCLUSIVE FOR TEACHERS OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL STATE SCHOOLS AND ‘ESCUELAS CONCERTADAS’. Course recognised by Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya.



Quest for Best: GESE Intermediate (Grades 7-9)

Start date: 19/1/2019, End date: 10/2/2019, Duration: 15 hours (3 weeks/4 weekends)


Quest for Best: GESE Advanced (Grades 10-12)

Start date: 19/1/2019, End date: 10/2/2019, Duration: 15 hours (3 weeks/4 weekends)


Quest for Best: ISE II Extended Writing, Task 4 (B2)

Start date: 19/1/2019, End date: 10/2/2019, Duration: 15 hours (3 weeks/4 weekends)



To apply for a place on one of this course you must be highly motivated and ideally have at least C1 CEFR level.

To enrol, you should either use the link above or login and create an account at:

Please select the course and follow the on-screen instructions.

Important: You will be sent confirmation the day before the course starts, so please be patient.

Numbers are limited so please do not request a place if you think you may not have enough time.